Wharfix !

Get your free expression-based, git-backed container registry today.

Signup with Github below.

Sign in with Github

How do I use it?

  1. Have a Github repository that looks like this: https://github.com/wharfix/examples - feel free to fork.
  2. Declaratively craft specs for your container images using Nix expressions.
  3. Setup a hosted (name).wharfix.dev registry here.
  4. Every git ref or rev in your github repo is now also an image tag.
  5. Try a demo from the examples repository: docker run -it --rm demo.wharfix.dev/sl:master.

Disclaimer and legal stuff

I would never send you Newsletters, Promotions or anything really, which is not explicitly relevant for you and the uptime and health of this service.

"Docker" is a registered trademark of Docker Inc. (perhaps just don't mention docker at all) Cookie consent.